Documents and Farm Records
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Have you already defined your farm project? Now you can attach documents to it. This is useful if you have farm records, water rights, equipment warranty, title insurance reports, deeds and easements, photos of crop conditions or pest damage, basically a wide array of documents is able to be stored in the Farmapper project.
Documents such as photos, recordings, files in the formats .doc or .pdf and many others can be added to the entire project or to individual tracts, and even stickers. Adding documents is very easy.
Adding, deleting and opening documents in a project
Tap on the "Docs" tab, you will see the list of documents and the "Add new document" button, of course if you have not added any documents yet, the list will be empty Figure 1. To add a document tap "Add new document" and then select "Select file to upload as document for project". Now select the file that you want to upload from your mobile device’s resources.
After selecting the correct file, you will see the "Upload new document" window in which you can see the progress in uploading the file Figure 2.
When the progress bar is full and the word "Uploaded" appears on it, it means that the file is loaded and you can see it in the document list Figure 3.
Now you have two options. If you have no more files to add then simply tap "Close". The "Upload new document" window will be closed and the document will be added to the project and placed on the list. You can also add other documents by tapping "Select another file". Adding further documents is the same as when adding the first one.
You can delete a document from the project at any time. Search for the document you want to delete in the project documents list in the "Docs" tab, tap on the "x" next to the chosen document. The document Figure 4. will be permanently removed from Farmapper.
To open a document, search for it in the list of documents added to the project in the "Docs" tab, tap on its name and the document will open in the next browser window Figure 5. Remember that in order to open a document you must allow your browser to open pop-up windows, otherwise, the document will not open.
Sometimes the document does not apply to the entire project. Sometimes you want to mark a specific sticker. Maybe some yield records for a field or warranty information for some equipment. In these cases, add the relevant documents to the tract or sticker. To do this, select tract or sticker from the map tap on it and you will see a label with information about your tract/sticker on the map Figure 6
or select tract or sticker from the list of tracts/stickers tap on it and you will see the blue button "Edit tract" tap on it to display "Modify tract" window Figure 7. In both you can find "Add new document". Simply tap "Add new document" and the "Upload new document" window will be displayed, select "Select file to upload as document for item". Now select the file that you want to upload from your mobile device’s resources.
After selecting the correct file, you will see the "Upload new document" window in which you can see the progress in uploading the file. When the progress bar is full and "Uploaded" text appears, it means that the file is added Figure 8. Now you can choose if you want to finish adding documents or you want to add others. If you want to finish adding documents on this, simply tap "Close". The "Upload new document" window will be closed and the document will be added to the tract/sicker and placed on the list. At this stage, you can also add additional files by tapping "Select another file". Adding further documents is the same as when adding the first document.
If you want to delete a document from tract/sticker, tap on the tract on the tract list in the "Tracts" tab or on the sticker on the stickers list in the "Stickers" tab, tap "Edit tract"/"Edit sticker" and you will see "Modify tract"/"Modify sticker" window Figure 9
or tap on tract/sticker on the map and information label will open on the map next to tract/sticker Figure 10. Search for the document you want to delete and click on "x" next to the selected document. The document will be permanently deleted so make sure that is what you want prior to x’ing out documents.
To open a document, tap on the tract on the tract list in the "Tracts" tab
or on the sticker on the stickers list in the "Stickers" tab, tap "Edit tract"/'Edit sticker" and you will see "Modify tract"/"Modify sticker" window Figure 11 or tap on tract/sticker on the map and information label will open on the map next to tract/sticker Figure 12. Search for the document you want to open, tap on its name and the document will open in the next browser window. Remember that in order to open a document you must allow your browser to open pop-up windows, otherwise, the document will not open.
You can find all the added documents on the document lists, and under the document names you will find basic information about the file such as the file size and the date and time it was added.
List of documents added to the project is in documents tab Figure 13.
List of documents added to the tract/sticker you can see in tract information label on the map Figure 14.
or you can find it in the "Modify Tract" window Figure 15.
If you have incorrectly assigned a document to the tract, or you just want to move the selected document to another tract, use the "Move" function for documents. Tap on tract on the map and information label will open on the map next to tract Figure 16 or
tap on the tract on the tract list in the "Tracts" tab, tap "Edit tract" and you will see "Modify tract" window. In both you can find a "Move" button Figure 17. Tap on the "Move" button and the "Move documents" window will open Figure 18.
Select the tract to which you want to move the document from the "Move to tract" drop-down list, then select one or more documents to transfer from the "Select documents to move" list. You can select documents by selecting boxes on the left side of documents names or if you want to transfer all documents from the list, it will be easier if you use the "Select all" function, this button is located in the left bottom corner of the window. Right next to it is the button "Deselect all", whose task is to deselect all selected documents on the list. If you have everything ready, the selected documents that you want to move and the selected tract to which you want to move the selected documents tap "Move" and it is done, the documents are moved. At any time, you can also quit moving documents by tapping "Close".
With Farmapper Channels the user can create and publish a listing of either a whole project or a specific sticker. Remember the documents associated with the project or sticker also get published. We will add additional customization tools to allow for fine tuning which documents get published.